What Is The Difference Between a Retail Store and a Boutique Store?

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Before we dive into the difference between the two we should first go over what a boutique store is. The word boutique comes from the French meaning “shop” since its origin boutiques have been found all over the world! With that being said that leaves us with the question of how a boutique store differs from a retail store. 

Retail Stores

The definition of retail stores can be pretty broad these days, especially with the invention of online shopping. Most retail stores carry a wide range of products that cater to a broad audience. Retail stores can be stand-alone shops, chains, or even franchises owned by a corporation. 

Because of their size, these stores are able to stock a large variety of items and apparel inside their stores for everyday consumers. While some decide to focus on specialized items, many shops carry a wide range of items that are even carried online. 

Boutique Stores 

Why shop at a boutique store? The biggest component of boutique stores is the personalized experience that you can expect to receive! These stores are usually privately owned by someone who has built their business from the ground up. Unlike the majority of retail stores, boutique stores can offer a more personal touch. These stores are perfect for customers who prefer one-on-one assistance!

Due to their small nature, boutique stores can also share their expertise with their clients and even advise. Which you will not see for the most part at a retail store. 

Boutique Stores VS. Retail Stores

The bottom line is that both will provide and sell a variety of goods. Because retail stores usually sell mass-produced items bought at wholesale, they will often have more deals and are good to bargain with. However, boutiques can be a gold mine for more personal and high-end items. You will often find locally produced goods that are quality and cared for. Allowing you to find a more thoughtful and catered section that speaks just to you and your taste. 

Enjoy Your Boutique Experience At Alphs Boutique

No matter if you have never shopped at a boutique store or are looking for a more personal experience, we are here to help! Our goal is to be a one-stop shop for all our customers and have them leave with a smile on their faces. Can not make it into our physical store in Randolph? Shop us online at our online storefront! For more information contact our store today.


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